  1. Modernism
  2. Postmodernism
  3. Bricolage
  4. Pastiche
  5. Intertextuality
  6. Parody
  7. Homage
  8. Hyperreality
  9. Simulacra
  10. Flattening effect
  11. List 4 elements of Kramer's theory you might use in the exam.
  12. What are Brian Eno's main points in 'The Death of Uncool'?
  13. What are the four elements of bricolage?
  14. What is Jameson's problem with postmodernism?
  15. What is a hyper-spectator? Who coined the term?
  16. What is Friedberg's theory? Apply to a text studied.
  17. List 5 postmodern elements in Deadpool
  18. List 5 postmodern elements in The Grand Budapest Hotel
  19. List 5 postmodern elements in The Neon Demon or The Lego Movie
  20. List 5 postmodern elements in Black Mirror
  21. In what ways could postmodern media be considered amoral? Give 3 examples.
  22. What is the future of postmodern media?
