Black Mirror - Be Right Back

Martha's (Hayley Atwell) boyfriend Ash (Domhnall Gleeson) is killed before she learns she is pregnant by him. A friend signs her up, without her permission, for a beta test of software that scans Ash's heavy Internet activity (forum posts, social media accounts) and produces a facsimile of Ash that communicates via email and appears to pass a Turing test though it fully acknowledges Ash is dead. By uploading videos it becomes able to communicate with her via telephone and it tells her of an experimental process to produce a synthetic flesh android facsimile of Ash. She pays for this, interacts with it and even uses it for sex, but she finds that it does not act like Ash did, such as obeying literally her orders to leave during a fight, and even getting ready to obey her orders to jump off a cliff. Several years later Martha's daughter takes her birthday cake up to the attic where the Ash simulacrum resides even though it is not time for the weekly visit, just so she can eat an extra slice of cake herself.
